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Re: Hallie of Seattle Rose a no-show
Re: Hallie of Seattle Rose a no-show -- jericho Post Reply Top of thread Board
Posted by: blythehikes ®
12/30/2004, 14:37:35

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How unusual.  I've visited Rose's once last summer and have nothing but extremely high regards for her professionalism and for her staff.

Perhaps this post could have been handled by talking with Rose a little more first, and I'm sure she would have been more than happy to be reasonable.  I applaud you for speaking so well of other agencies, and for your patience.  I'm not sure I personally would have made a post about it myself, at least not without consulting Rose about a solution. (It felt like you were guilting her into something in your post, but I probably not reading it the same way you meant know, e-communication lacks tone and inflection). You never know when things you post will come back to bite you in the behind if it's not taken well, and there are a LOT of people who adore the ladies at Seattle Rose's. 

As for Hallie, I've only read a few things and I seem to recall them to all be very flattering.  I try to put myself in a place to imagine - maybe something awful happened and she couldn't check-in for whatever reason.  "Life is what happens when you get busy making other plans" or something like that.

Again, I definitely think it was cool of you not to blow a gasket like a lot of others have chosen to do in the past with no-shows.  I always recommend working it out privately and writing about after you've come up with a positive solution, or if there's no solution and it's important for the board to share.  Since Rose's girl receive such incredible praise, I definitely hope your post won't receive a lot of angst-riddled "how dare you" responses.

I've learned from experience, be patient, be very kind and thoughtful with your words, and give people a lot of room to be human.

I'm sure Hallie and Rose both have the deepest of desires to make their hobbyist friends happy because the agency/provider-hobbyist relationship is symbiotic.  Treat yourself well, and give Rose a call. She's a pretty cool gal.

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Replies to this message

I think we all need to be a bit consistent here | Breadbaker | 12/31/2004, 01:13:42 |
Re: Hallie of Seattle Rose a no-show | honestone | 12/30/2004, 14:53:44 |

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