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That's 'US' for you....
Re: Re: I'll give you / Are those..... -- crookedstick Post Reply Top of thread TRB Board
Posted by: spunky ®
2001/03/30, 10:47:23

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... and I bet if you check - you may find one of my coupons in 'The Stranger'. It entitles you to one free penis-pump with purchase of service.

Offer expires 4/1/01 though - so you'd better hurry.

I've never met a man I couldn't handle. They even nicknamed me "Gertie-the-grand-canyon". In fact - many a man has found himself lost in "all that is me". Some have even died of thirst and starvation - I don't suppose that crooked stick of yours also works as a divining rod?


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Re: That's 'US' for you.. Actually I...    | crookedstick  |  2001/03/30, 11:03:28  | 

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