REV of Nichole. "Do a little dance, make a little love -- get down tonight!" ���|�gentleman Gym �|� 2001/03/29, 21:02:48 �|�
A Review Note to Disco Gym���|�unholypirate �|� 2001/03/30, 05:52:30 �|�
  *���|�Iceman �|� 2001/03/30, 08:41:45 �|� link
   Hey Iceman Nice to see you again I missed your razor sharp wit and wicked sense of humor......Here's to more LOL! (no text)���|�Heather25 �|� 2001/03/30, 15:36:44 �|�
   * (no text)���|�Iceman �|� 2001/03/30, 16:54:25 �|�
     My Dear Iceman Thank you for your sweet words, you re too kind and given the chance I would galdly lead you to safe passage again. Here's to clear sailing! (no text)���|�Heather25 �|� 2001/04/02, 15:06:06 �|�
     * (no text)���|�Iceman �|� 2001/04/02, 16:33:30 �|�
      Why Iceman I never knew.............���|�Heather25 �|� 2001/04/05, 14:47:05 �|�
       *���|�Iceman �|� 2001/04/05, 16:58:19 �|�
    No way, dude.. Only one mermaid around here!���|�nichole �|� 2001/03/30, 21:04:59 �|�
    You were here! Why you cheating bas*ard!! On with the reversal spell it is! (no text)���|�spunky �|� 2001/03/30, 17:45:16 �|�
  Iceman!!! I've missed you so much! Where the heck have you been all my life? (no text)���|�spunky �|� 2001/03/30, 10:08:27 �|�
   * (no text)���|�Iceman �|� 2001/03/30, 10:36:16 �|�
    It was my wicked, witchy ways �..���|�spunky �|� 2001/03/30, 11:08:16 �|�
      the only thing I don't understand���|�Instructor �|� 2001/03/30, 14:09:28 �|�
      Cuz he also has a thing for mouthy men...oops... I mean women..... (no text)���|�spunky �|� 2001/03/30, 17:46:42 �|�
       * (no text)���|�Iceman �|� 2001/03/31, 12:32:18 �|�
     * (no text)���|�Iceman �|� 2001/03/30, 12:19:54 �|�
      geez, get a room you two... ���|�UnholyPirate �|� 2001/03/30, 12:57:15 �|�
       And to think he and I were once at odds with one another ....���|�spunky �|� 2001/03/30, 13:07:55 �|�