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Re: REV: Kristi of Seattle Rose
Re: REV: Kristi of Seattle Rose -- megoman Post Reply Top of thread Board
Posted by: SeattleBicycler ®
01/02/2005, 14:01:31

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Hi, can you be a little more specific about the languages spoke ... and if it was a GFE or PSE situation ... or neither?  Any possiblitity of touring the isles either?  Did you need a sail on for the boat during the French tour?

Have been considering getting together with her and would enjoy any further insight you may have!  Thank you!

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Replies to this message

Re: REV: Kristi of Seattle Rose | megoman | 01/03/2005, 12:29:57 |
Re: REV: Kristi of Seattle Rose | SeattleBicycler | 01/03/2005, 14:12:09 |

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