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Marchant Blue
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Posted by: wudchuck ®
01/02/2005, 10:10:21

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I have been wanting to visit Marchant since the moment I saw her web site...(those little flips of hair on her cheek drive me crazy) .....  Anybody got a review for her?

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Replies to this message

If you think the hair did it for you, wait 'til........ | claudeballs2 | 01/03/2005, 17:50:53 |
THE CONSENSUS....... | froggygoesacourtin | 01/03/2005, 02:52:04 |
Re: Marchant Blue | delta 1 | 01/02/2005, 17:45:07 |
She is the VERY Best at FBSM (no text) | GarryH | 01/02/2005, 14:35:22 |
Re: Marchant Blue | plato | 01/02/2005, 12:51:19 |
Re: Marchant Blue | Sir William | 01/02/2005, 10:14:05 |
Re: Marchant Blue | coach | 01/02/2005, 21:42:26 |

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