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oh nuts!!! guess I'll tell about
Re: Anchorage Recomendations??? -- charlie Post Reply Top of thread Board
Posted by: altair69 ®
01/02/2005, 02:13:12

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Sonja of Alaska. Would like to keep her all to myself. I've done several overnighters with her, & had her come over to Kodiak for a weekend. She's a sweetheart. But at 6' she can be intimidating at first. I'm 5'4'' & my first thought was OMG I'm really in for it now. French giving & receiving is outstanding(ymmv) but if you treat her well, anything maybe possiable. She doesn't advertise much. She tries to stay low keyed & not draw to much attention to herself, she does stand out. There is another outstanding Anchorage provider, Serena, also does duos with Sonja. I plan on seeing them both on a double, hopefully in a couple of months. Sonja website is No pictures on her site but if you go to & under Anchorage escorts on page two you will find pictures of both Sonja & Serena & some reveiws also.

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