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There are plenty ...
Re: Out Of Town Visitor - Any Recommendations -- Seattle Hobbyist Post Reply Top of thread Board
Posted by: TheSenator ®
12/30/2004, 14:34:12

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My immediate thoughts turn to Lady Claire, Seattle Natalie, Mrs. Robinson, Cindy, Yvette, Marchant, Dee at Shangrila, Alyssa, Eastside Charlie ... and of course the many goddesses at School of One.

Frankly I have a few excess years under my belt and I have never been turned away or treated like anything except the wonderful human being I would like to think that I am.

How you treat a lady, your sense of humor and attitude ... I believe that those are much more important than your age or your figure.

I know the ladies will be quick to correct me if I am wrong.

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Re: There are plenty ... | LeftyDQ | 12/30/2004, 15:29:04 |

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