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Cash vs Money Order?
Re: TRB Fundraiser Continues... -- Tahoe Ted Post Reply Top of thread Board
Posted by: Moishe6 ®
12/30/2004, 09:43:56

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Is there any advantage to purchasing a blank money order as opposed to just sending cash? Not sure if a blank money order is recoverable if stolen anyway, although tampering with US Mail is a Federal Offense.

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Replies to this message

Re: Cash vs Money Order? | Tahoe Ted | 12/30/2004, 09:48:55 |
Post Office has inexpensive money orders... | tintin_sea | 12/30/2004, 10:04:59 |
Many grocery stores... | Tahoe Ted | 12/30/2004, 10:59:14 |
" PriceLess "...... | RanDawgInSpokane | 12/30/2004, 10:38:34 |
Re: " PriceLess "...... | micwave | 12/30/2004, 18:54:34 |
Couldn't have said it better R-Dawg! | pjo24 | 12/30/2004, 10:48:55 |

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