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In Seattle until Fri ... In PDX on Fri and Sat. (SPECIALS)
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Posted by: busty lea ®
12/29/2004, 16:58:57

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 Hello to all...

 Hope Santa brought you everything you ever wanted!!!

 I will be in Seattle until Friday the 31st.  Then, I will be ringing in the New Year in PDX!!

Running a special for 200. Incall location provided for those who have at least one provider reference.

Also, in PDX I will be doing duo's with Mercury.

View me at and Mercury at

Call direct at (206)851-3124.

Big smooches from the Busty one


Busty Lea
Related link: Busty Lea
Modified by seattle_mod at Wed, Dec 29, 2004, 17:09:23

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