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411 on Codi from Seattle Eros?
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Posted by: epic53 ®
12/29/2004, 08:06:14

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Has anyone had any experience with this young lady?

Thanks Epic

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Modified by epic53 at Wed, Dec 29, 2004, 08:08:50

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Replies to this message

Re: 411 on Codi from Seattle Eros? | kcougber | 12/29/2004, 09:39:41 |
Not personally but... | auggie | 12/29/2004, 08:16:34 |
Re: Appreciate you reply | epic53 | 12/29/2004, 08:56:43 |
Re: Appreciate you reply | Tahoe Ted | 12/29/2004, 09:32:10 |

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