Chen is a Chinese National, here studying by way of a short interim stop in Japan. She is a busty asian gal, with a slim figure and nicely proportioned legs. While her pictures blur her face, you will be greatly pleased by her visage when you meet her.
She is somewhat limited in her osculatory behavior, but it's more a function of personal hygiene.... be squeaky clean and fresh and you will likely experience the higher mileage. Debates are conducted in french and in the rain, but her deft abilities will astound you. She has an eclectic collection of porn that likely will be running on a large screen TV as you are perusing her if you'd need any further stimulation! The girl is as visually stimulated as a will love the mirrors she has lining the room.
Energy level is among the highest I've ever encountered, as is believability. There are some things that can't be hidden and I've not met a woman yet who can lubricate on command ;)
ESL is a series of classes that she's taken and I had no trouble communicating. One of the delghts actually was talking about various words... and then exploring or demonstrating them. However, for those of you who enjoy accents, there's no faking or disguising.
I've been to visit her on several occasions now.
contact: [email protected]">[email protected]
pics on Eros are accurate representations of the body. The face is attractive as well. Rates are at the higher end of the spectrum, 300 for the hour. Clockwatching was not an issue when I've visited. Greek cuisine was not on the menu.