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Re: governor escorts
Re: governor escorts -- ksrxpert Post Reply Top of thread Board
Posted by: flirt4free ®
12/27/2004, 23:16:20

Author Profile Edit

 I have not had personal experience here...but I received this information when inquiring about one of the girls on this particular site.  Hope it helps.

Anastacia of AAG

Angel of AAG

 Angel of

They all have the same contact info, looks to be 2 different Ladies

 Anastacia used to be Beautiful on Eros, when she was Beautiful she charged 300 an hour.  Angel is 200 an hour and Anastacia is 180 an hour------Alert Alert Batman

 Something weird is going on when someone changes their name like that.  I can’t find any reviews due to TRB having no history right now, but if I were you I would avoid.

  I remember reading something on Beautiful but I can’t remember it right now perhaps someone else will step up and remember her and give you a mini review

 Try looking at the TRB link page and picking a For-Sure girl



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Upsell bait and switch. | blythehikes | 12/28/2004, 14:52:23 |

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