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Part of the Niki ROB Squad
Re: Re: check this girlie out -- 69Lover Post Reply Top of thread Board
Posted by: Snickersnack ®
12/24/2004, 18:24:24

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Googling her (Jesse's) phone number produced a link to a now-defunct Eros URL for the known ripoff Jordan, whose ad originates with the notorious Niki. Stay away!

And Gina

 shares a phone number with Alison's Escorts and Seattle's Finest Escorts, both of which I recall as being shady, at best.

Modified by Snickersnack at Fri, Dec 24, 2004, 18:36:25

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Re: Part of the Niki ROB Squad | e | 12/24/2004, 18:29:39 |

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