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Jayme Layne
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Posted by: captain hook ®
12/15/2004, 18:59:23

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Mr. Boston... why did you disallow replies??

I have seen Jayme lately... and have nothing but good to say about her... a real sweetheart. We had a rockin time!! See my TRB review when the board is back up. I highly reccomend!!


ps feel free to reply or email me.

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Replies to this message

Re: Jayme Layne | jayme layne | 12/16/2004, 21:09:08 |
Re: Jayme Layne | tc-95 | 12/16/2004, 00:34:18 |
Re how are you doing | jayme layne | 12/16/2004, 21:19:51 |
self-post | Justin Sneider | 12/16/2004, 11:39:38 |
Why do you have it in for her? | JLegman | 12/16/2004, 21:04:07 |
Avoid!!! | Justin Sneider | 12/15/2004, 23:15:25 |
Re: Avoid!!! | unrushed | 12/15/2004, 23:47:53 |
I had a great time with Jayme | JLegman | 12/15/2004, 23:45:13 |
thank you | jayme layne | 12/16/2004, 21:35:19 |
sounds like... | Justin Sneider | 12/16/2004, 00:09:47 |
Re: sounds like... | dillon | 12/16/2004, 19:30:28 |
Re: sounds like... | Justin Sneider | 12/16/2004, 19:59:45 |

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